Luxury writing instruments crafted from native Hawaiian woods

Aloha Pencils designs, crafts, and produces fine writing instruments from native Hawaiian woods.  Our products will be available in local shops in Hawaii and for direct shipment to your home.

Some of our native Hawaiian woods are described below.  Our online store will be here soon!

Koa Trees

Scientific name:  Acacia koa

Koa trees grow only in Hawaii. It is illegal to cut down Koa trees, or to plant new Koa groves. Koa can only grow naturally and die naturally. It may only be harvested when it falls as it dies or is dying. Consequently, Koa wood is scarce and valuable.

Koa Wood 

Koa wood has rich hues from light brown to deep redish brown

Mango Trees

Scientific Name: Mangifera indica

The fruit is sweet, the wood is warm.

Mango Wood

Mango wood has a warm blond color, with mottled variations, wavy and curly figures.

'Ōhai Trees

Scientific name:  Samanea saman

Monkeypod trees, offer extensive shade.


Varying from yellow to dark chocolate brown when cut, generally drying to a light golden brown with dark streaks.

Kaimani Trees

Scientific Name: Calophyllum inophyllum

Kaimani grows near sandy beaches and other lowland areas that have ample sunlight.  Hawaiians traditionally use the wood for home construction, decorative crafts and containers.

Kaimani Wood

The red and white colors of kamani wood turn reddish brown as the wood ages, and the close, interlocking grain produces attractive products.

False Kaimani Trees

Scientific Name: Terminalia Catappa

The False Kaimani, or beach almond, is often mistaken for true Hawaiian Kamani because of its similar appearance. 

False Kaimani Wood

The false Kaimani can also be red and white, turning reddish brown as the wood ages.